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  • Planning a perfect (as possible) digital detox

Planning a perfect (as possible) digital detox

In a recent issue of Prequel featuring our 2024 predictions, a shocking 79% of you told us that you want to do an at-home digital detox this year.

Only 8% of you stated that screen time was not a problem in your house.


In a world where kids spend 7.5 hours per day looking at screens, and mobile device use for adults went up by 30% between 2022 and 2023, I guess this isn’t too surprising.

By reducing screen time, studies have shown that kids can significantly improve their sleep, academic performance, and wellbeing.

And heck — the whole family should really jump on board.

Like with any goal, the success of your digital detox relies on how comprehensive your plan is.

You can’t just press pause on digital addiction. You have to plan carefully.

I’m here to help. 👇

Set the ground rules

First up, lay down some ground rules. 

Here are a few tips:

👉 Decide on a timeframe. Is it going to be a day, a weekend, or even a full week?

👉 Agree on what 'digital' includes — is it just social media and video games, or are you going full Robinson Crusoe with no gizmos of any kind?

👉 Avoid inconvenient dates if you can, such as a period during which significant news events are taking place, or when important work or school deadlines are looming.

Whatever ground rules you lay down, make sure everyone's on board, and please, for cryin’ out loud, do not set unrealistic expectations.

Remember, this isn’t a dictatorship — it’s a family affair.

Try a gradual reduction 

If your ground rules are getting some pushback, try to approach the detox gradually. 

Here are a few ways you can slow your roll without giving up your gadgets all at once:

📵 Establish screen-free times: Designate specific times or parts of the day as screen-free. This could be during meals, the first hour after waking up, or the hour before bedtime.

📲 Use technology to help: Not all technology is designed to be addictive. Utilize screen time control features on devices. Set limits on apps or turn off devices automatically to adhere to the planned reduction.

🎉 Implement rewards and positive reinforcement: Create a reward system for the whole family meeting screen time reduction goals, like dinner at your favorite restaurant, or tickets to a sporting event.

Push your activity game to the max

You gotta replace screen time with — something. 

Anything, really. 

If your whole family is just sitting around twiddling their thumbs, you’re going to have a mutiny on your hands.

It doesn’t matter what you do, just that you have activities you can turn to which will occupy your time and your mind. You should have a list of go-to activities planned long before you switch off your devices.

Here are a few suggestions:

🚲 Outdoor adventures: Plan a hike, a family bike ride, or a scavenger hunt in your backyard. Nature is the best kind of detox therapy.

🧩 Board games and puzzles: Dust off those board games and jigsaw puzzles. They're not just fun; they're fantastic for bonding and brain-boosting.

🎨 Get crafty: Unleash your family's artistic side. Paint, sculpt, knit, or build a pillow fort (my personal favorite). It's about getting hands-on and imaginative.

🍳 Cooking together: Whip up a meal as a team. Assign everyone a role and create a feast. Bonus: You get to eat your results!

📖 Reading hour: Host a family reading hour. Share stories or dive into your own books in shared silence.

Added benefits of a digital detox

Why should your family do a digital detox?

The benefits extend far beyond reclaiming your time, your connections, and your mental health (although those benefits are reason enough).

Other benefits include:

  • Enhanced communication skills

  • Creative boosts

  • Strengthening family bonds

  • Increased physical activity

  • Mindfulness and presence

  • Increased problem-solving skills

  • Reduced dependence on digital validation

  • Discovering new interests

  • Improved attention span

An at-home digital detox is more than a mere escape from screens — it's a journey back to each other. 

Try it and let me know how it goes! 👏